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The purpose of this testing was to determine wither or not the condensation unit maintained the following 



·      Output a good drinking water with no more than 14 mg of sodium per cup.

·      Condensation of water vapor 36ml/min to liquid form. 

·      The condenser should function under an outside temperature between 30°C to 60°C.

·      The condenser must weigh less than 5 kg. 

·      It must cost no more than 300$. 

·      It must be compact (less than 2 cubic feet) 

·      The device must take less than 3 minutes to take wash. 



The project was condensing and regulating the flow rate coming from the parabolic solar reflector. A thermistor and an Arduino were used to detect temperature and supply the proper voltage.  


First test was checking how long it took to wash the condenser. Because nothing was needed to be taken apart, it took less than a minute to wash it. 


Test Procedures:

Test 1: weight and time to wash 

Time: 5 minutes 

Place: Senior room. 


Steps for test 1:  

  1. Weighing every piece individually.

  2. Washing the condenser. 

  3. Coast.


Test 1 results: 



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